Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Alice in Dallas - part 2

Alice visited Dallas for the second time last weekend. Alice and I rode to Dallas with Kristin and Jackson. I sat on the console between the two car seats for the majority of the drive since Alice would get upset if she couldn't see her mommy. Both kids were pretty good, but neither of them slept on the drive to Dallas.

Alice and Pop

While in Dallas, Alice went on her first shopping spree with mom and grandma. Grandma bought her a stroller and we drove out to the outlet mall to shop. Alice did pretty good, but again...she did NOT sleep all day long. So - that was 2 days without naps. Grandma Bickel, Patra and Paul came over for dinner and to visit that evening. Alice was a sweetheart for the company even though she MUST have been tired.

Alice and Grandma Bickel

Saturday morning, Alice went to see her cousins, and meet Juliette for the first time. After our visit, we went and picked up Aunt Papa and the girls all went to lunch and then shopping at Marshalls. Alice was an angel on this shopping trip. She fell asleep before lunch and slept through part of the shopping spree.

Morning Coffee with Grandma Meadows

The Paci-girls Juliette and Alice

That evening, we went to our Aunts surprise party. Everyone got to see Alice. She loved all the attention.

At the Party

Patra and Alice

Before heading back to Austin on Sunday, we ate breakfast with Patra and Paul to say our good-byes. Next trip will be to visit the Lake House over 4th of July weekend!

Uncle Paul "pull my finger"

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