Thursday, August 25, 2016

3rd Grade: Day 1

Alice was "nerv-cited" for her first day of third grade.  She had her outfit planned ahead of time.  Her shirt says something approximating only needing love, lattes and free wifi.  Below she is showing her Harry Potter backpack.

Our known milestones for this year are letter grades, and her first male teacher, Mr. Jackson.  3rd Graders are also promoted out of the "front" playground and now take recess on the "back" playground.

This picture by the tree in our front yard is a family tradition now.  We do it every year.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Summer 2016 Music Recital

Alice's Music School has three recitals a year, they are optional and relaxed, she loves them and participates in every one.  We love going and often her grandparents make it too.  The Meadows made it down for this one.

Alice selected a funny and interesting song for the recital, Dumb ways to die.  Its a great video, and with slightly different origins than her usual selections.  This song is part of an Australian public service announcement campaign by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, to promote rail safety (wiki).  She did a great job, was really confident, got laughs from the crowd, and I think everyone had fun.  Cristy and I are really super proud of her.

Alice also performed a duet with another student.  Luckily the other student was singing a song Alice had done for the school talent show, traveling solider by the Dixie Chicks, so she was able help out.  After a couple of late night practice sessions the girls were ready and sang well together.