Monday, December 21, 2009


Alice's school just went through re-accreditation for NAEYC  and got a fabulous report card

1. Relationships - 100 % Commended
2. Curriculum - 97 %
3. Teaching - 100 % Commended
4. Assessment - 100+ %* Commended
5. Health - 100+ %* Commended
6. Teachers - 100% Commended
7. Families - 100% Commended
8. Community Relationships - 100% Commended
9. Physical Environment - 96%
10. Leadership and Management - 100+ %* Commended

The scores earned on each of the program standards far surpassed the minimum necessary for accreditation. (Only a score of 80% in all areas is required.)
* A program can score better than 100% when it satisfies additional criteria categorized as "emerging criteria," criteria which are suggested but not required.

Monday, December 14, 2009

School Days

Alice with a stuffed animal

Alice still sleepy after a nap

Listening attentively with classmates

Alice loves to slide

Holding hands with a friend

It's puzzle time!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's a First

We have been introducing the potty chair for a while now, but until now, Alice just sat there.
Today, Alice went tinkle in the potty!
We still have a long way to go, but its progress