Saturday, April 12, 2008

Back to Work

This week Alice spent the whole working day at daycare. The schedule goes like this....
  1. Daddy gets in the shower and gets dressed while mom wakes up baby, changes and dresses her.
  2. Daddy then takes the baby has breakfast and makes coffee while mom gets dressed.
  3. Mom takes Alice to daycare (usually) and Dad picks up Alice (usually).

The first week already had one hick-up. On Wednesday, after a long work day, I head for my car and discover that my alarm remote battery is dead...meaning I can't get into my car without setting off the alarm, which then disables the ignition. I have a second remote at home, so I got a ride home from work with Koleman. I had to catch a ride to work on Thursday with Tavo, but he goes to work early (6:30) so....Dad had to take Alice to Daycare this day, and mom left work early to pick her up.

Larry says that he enjoys his hour alone with Alice before I make it home. I am a bit jealous of the extra hour he gets to spend with her, but I did have 3 whole months at home with her, so I really can't begrudge him this little perk.

These pictures are from the morning before I head off to work and take Alice to daycare.

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