I first saw Alice Independence through the LCD screen of my digital video camera. It was a lucky shot. A paper curtain separated me from the surgical activity. I was grateful for that. My imagination had me worried enough, visual reinforcement was not going to help anything. I resisted looking past the curtain provided to protect both her and me: her from bacteria and me from the details. I was playing a hand-holding, tear wiping, and brow stroking role for my wife behind the curtain for most of the surgery. This distracted and comforted us both. At a cue from the anesthesiologist I held my camera up and over the protective screen to capture the first out-of-the-womb picture of my Alice.
Birthday: 2008-01-12!
1 comment:
I have never seen Larry J's face so "lit up" and "soft" as it was when he showed Alice off to us at the nursery window. His eyes were sparkling with pleasure as he savored her face and the feel of her in his arms. My heart melted for him as well as for Alice, our new baby girl.
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