Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Updates from 3rd Grade and Life in General

We're a few weeks into 3rd grade, and everything is going quite well.  Alice is enjoying her class mates and teacher.  This is our first year for real grades and she's taking to it well.  Homework everyday, but it is pretty easy.  She, of course, would prefer not to do all this work, but since she has to she is doing her best and making it fun :-)

Outside of school
Alice is really into her tablet: mine-craft and apps where you record audio and video and share them with others.  She's riding her bike much better than ever before.  Cristy and Alice go on bike rides around the neighborhood when they get the chance.  She has many good friends and weekly play-dates or sleep overs.  She likes rock climbing and shows some real talent for it.  Singing and piano still factor in with practice and weekly lessons.

Cristy & Alice about to ride (2016).

The good life
Her favorite place is in her bed with her doggies and her tablet, preferably with cookies and milk on the side table.  If its night time then she also likes her mommy next to her, both of them with their tablets up and going, maybe in mine-craft together (with Dad too (from other room where there is music)) or maybe doing their own thing and talking about what they find; next to Alice's milk is Cristy's wine glass.