Yesterday the Bickel family spent the day looking at prospective new family members. We started at a pet rescue meet and greet. We then went to the local animal shelters to see what was available. After seeing a lot of poor homeless doggies, we settled on a 12 week old chihuahua puppy. We took him home and he rode in Alice's lap the entire ride. Alice named him Cupcake Bailey Bickel. Cupcake Bailey has settled in nicely at the homestead. We have had an accident (pew!) but we knew house breaking a puppy would be work. He slept in his crate the first night without protest or incident. This morning we let Cupcake Bailey wake Alice up. He climbed around Alice's head and began licking her face. Alice woke with a smile on her face and told us that she liked the way Cupcake Bailey wakes her up better than the way mom and dad do. Apparently licks to the face are better than our tickles and songs. I'm sure I'll have more to tell later, but for now.... All is well!