Friday, June 27, 2008

Pool Style

Latest baby fashion in a sporty water wicking jersey and matching hat fit for a private box at the Kentucky Derby or a nice swim at the community pool.

Daddy did go to the pool (holding baby above) but he sat in the shade studying, while baby kicked and splashed, and momma waded. Here I'm holding baby while momma dries off and gets ready to take a tired and happy baby home for a nap! Yeah baby naps!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What's for Dinner tonight?

Last time Aunt Sissy was here to visit Alice..she pre-made some avocado baby food.

This week, Alice tried the avocado's for the first time - and LOVED it!

She really never got excited about the rice was fun to spit it out and get it all over the place, but we were never sure if she actually ATE any of it. But, with the avocados, we could really tell she was eating it. More in her mouth, and less on her.

YEAH ALICE, she's becoming such a big girl!

Alice in her "I'm a Pepper" bib from her Aunt Ali

Yummy Yummy

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

First Annual Alice Independence Day

Well, the Evites have been sent out and we are waiting to find out how many people are coming to the first annual Alice Independence day. It is Family only (so my friends...don't get offended!).

This will be our first trip out to mom and dad's lake house in East Texas. We are planning on cooking out, playing games, swimming and....yes... fireworks.

Below is the Evite picture that accompanied the invitation, it is also the background on my computer at work so I can stare at my little girl at any time during the day.

If anyone would like a copy for their computers..let me know and I'll send it!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Today we went to the pool. Since Aunt Sissy, Uncle Chris and Cousin Juliette were here....we all decided to go to the pool. Mom and Melissa went to Target and bought Alice a swimsuit with matching hat, lathered up the kiddos with sun screen, and hit the pool. Dad brought a book and the camera to document the new experience.
At first, Alice wasn't too sure about this water thing that obviously was NOT her bath...the water was colder and it was much much bigger than the tub. Plus, there were other kids running around, which in the end was fun to watch.

After a few minutes, Alice decided, the pool was fun, and began kicking and kicking in her new floatie
Mom took her around the pool leading the dragon floatie by the nose.

After a while Alice started to get tired, so we went and sat down in a lounge chair to dry off.

After drying off, we talked about how much fun the pool was and how Alice wants to come back.

When we got home, Daddy cooled off with a beer, and baby thought it looked refreshing too.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Alice Eats Stars

Alice doesn't want to be a star.
Alice eats stars for breakfast.
Alice wants to be your leader.

Stroller Happy

Alice loves to go on walks.

This week we have started a new routine.

Everyday after work, I take Alice on a walk in her stroller.
Armed with a few toys and a pacifier, we walk to the park and back.

Luckily our neighborhood is well shaded with trees so we don't get too hot on our walks. I usually take her pants and socks off before we head out, leaving her in only a onesie and a diaper to keep her from getting too hot. Alice sits back, kicks up her feet and just enjoys the ride.

Alice LOVES her walks...I don't hear a peep out of her. I have to stop and look at her to make sure she's not sleeping. She just sits there placidly, sometimes with a paci in her mouth, sometimes not, holding a toy, but not really playing with it, and just looks at the world around her.

Monday, June 9, 2008

More cuteness

Just when you thought she couldn't get any cuter....

Sleeping Beauty

Reading is FUN

I love the outdoors!

Baby's first modeling job